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Shady Place Short Coming Soon
Well I couldn't stay away from Shady Place. In the coming days part one of a new Shady Place Jim Phillips adventure will be dropped, right here on this blog. It's a little story that takes place between the end of Shady Place and the next installment in the series. A little something to whet the appetite while the cavernous void of wondering just what Jim Phillips is up to these days pulls you mercilessly into a tailspin of a despair... You are all waiting with bated breath right? Pining for more? Oh, you have lives? You forgot about Jim...
Because the internet loves them...
Today's post is a picture of a cat: Always fun to come home to this after a long day on the road! If only you knew where that tongue had been...
Audiobooks are a wonderful thing...
I spend a lot of time in the car. A lot more than I want. Hours upon hours every week. A lot of that time is spent alone and I go through phases with what I listen to. Sometimes it's Philly sports talk, but that's gotten a little depressing. The Phillies and Sixers haven't made the playoffs in years and the Eagles and Flyers both missed the mark this season. Sometimes it's music, usually my own playlist on Spotify or my iTunes list, I've had a hard time with a lot of the newer pop and rock music and the...
Shady Place Goodreads Giveaway Completed
Just before Shady Place was released, I set up a giveaway on Goodreads to offer 10 free signed copies to users of the popular book-themed social media site. I was pleasantly surprised to see 1154 people entered and over 500 added it to their To Read list. Now hopefully some of those To Reads do read. The winners were all over the country and even one in Canada. I'll be doing more of these in the future to help spread the word and reward lucky readers with a free copy of their own. Don't forget Shady Place is available on Amazon or...
What's Next? It's already in the works...
The response to Shady Place has been very positive so far and readers have been clamoring for more. That will happen, I promise. My plan is to alternate between Shady Place novels and other stories I'd like to write. While I love Jim and all the Shady Placers, my pool of creative material extends far beyond that world. Next up is Amara. I'm not going to go too in depth with plot, but it will be a bit of super-natural thriller, chock full of characters you'll love to hate. Stay tuned, I will be posting updates as progress unfolds!